Unit Test II-Examination–2022-23
Time: 60 Min. Subject - Computer M.M. 20
Attempt all the questions.
1. Fill in the Blanks: [5]
i) At home, computers are used to play____________.
ii) Computers are used in ______________to send e-mails.
iii) Computers are used at ______________ to book Tickets..
iv) _______________ is a collection of raw facts and figures.
v) Different parts of a _______________ do different tasks.
2. Tick the correct Option: [5]
i) Which cycle do all the machines follow?
(a) P-I-O (b) I-P-O (c) I-O-P (d) O-I-P
ii) Which of the following shows the output?
(a) Monitor (b) Mouse (c) keyboard (d) Printer
iii) __________ are used in hospitals to keep details of patients and their treatment.
(a) Calculators (b) Computers (c) Mobiles (d) Printers
iv) the data and instruction together are the ______________.
(a) Input (b) Output (c) Process (d) Operating system
v) A mouse is an ______________Device.
(a) Input (b) Pointing (c) Output (d) Storage
3. Write whether True/False: [2]
i) Data type in a computer is called output.
ii) we get input from the computer.
iii) In I-P-O, “I” stands for ‘information’.
iv) A monitor gives input to a computer.
v) Computers are used in office for typing letters.
4. Solve the following sums on a calculator. [2]
i) 25+32 ___________________.
ii) 28+15 ___________________.
iii) 40-15 ___________________.
iv) 72/9 ___________________.
v) 12*8 ___________________.
5. Answer the following (Any two-02): [5]
i) What is a Data?
ii) What do you mean by process?
iii) Write two uses of computers in school.
Unit Test II-Examination–2022-23
Time: 60 Min. Subject - Computer M.M. 20
Attempt all the questions.
1. Fill in the Blanks: [5]
i) The Shortcut key to save a document is_________________.
ii) The _________ is located just below the title bar.
iii) The __________ bar is present at the bottom of the screen.
iv) Press the _____________ key to move to a new line.
v) The extension of ms-word 2016 is______________.
2. Tick the correct Option: [5]
i) The _________ bar is present at the top of the screen.
(a) Title (b) Menu (c) Status (d) Rular
ii) The file tab is present on the left corner of the__________.
(a) Screen (b) Title bar (c) Ribbon bar (d) Menu
iii) The extension of ms-word 2016 is______________.
(a) .docx (b) .xlxs (c) .pptx (d).mdb
iv) A ________ is small blinking line in the document area.
(a) text (b) pointer (c) Cursor (d) Pencil
v) Ms-Word is a popular type of ___________ processing software.
(a) Excel (b) word (c) power-point (d) MS-Paint
3. Part of the MS-Word Screen. [2]
i) _________________
ii) _________________
iii) ________________
iv) ________________
v) ________________
4. Unscramble the following to make correct words: [2]
i) CMAWBE ___________________.
ii) SCTOYJIK ___________________.
iii) PESTODK ___________________.
iv) DOWIWNS ___________________.
v) RASBAKT ___________________.
5. Answer the following (Any two-02): [5]
i) Write the steps to open MS-Word 2016.
ii) Write the steps to print documents.
iii) Briefly explain the parts of Microsoft word window.
Unit Test II-Examination–2022-23
Time: 60 Min. Subject - Computer M.M. 20
Attempt all the questions.
1. Fill in the Blanks: [5]
i) The printout of a document is known as the _____________.
ii) First line the main steps of the ________________.
iii) Each Instruction must be ____________ and _______________.
iv) Algorithms and ___________ are not required by a computer.
v) A __________ is a small graphic symbol that sets off an item in a list.
2. Tick the correct Option: [5]
i) A __________ uses some special symbols.
(a) Algorithms (b) presentation (c) flowchart (d) Word
ii) Listing the ___________ helps in carrying out the activity easily.
(a) Process (b) steps (c) input (d) output
iii) A ___________ is a diagram that represents a set of instructions.
(a) Flowchart (b) Algorithms (c) Process (d) Output
iv) Font size box is available on the ________Tab.
(a) Insert (b) Font (c) Home (d) View
v) Justify is a type of ______________.
(a) Font (b) Bullets (c) Paragraph (d) Alignment
3. Write whether True/False: [2]
i) Alignment refers to the arrangement of text.
ii) We have different types of underline styles in MS-Word.
iii) Glow is a type of font styles.
iv) Triple-click anywhere in a paragraph, select the respective line.
4. Match the following words: [2]
i) (a) Connector
ii) (b) Terminator
iii) (c) Data Shape
iv) (d) Decision
5. Answer the following (Any three-03): [6]
i) What is Algorithms?
ii) What do you understand by a flowchart?
iii) Write in brief about mathematical operators.
iv) What does formatting Mean?
Unit Test II-Examination–2022-23
Time: 60 Min. Subject - Computer M.M. 20
Attempt all the questions.
1. Fill in the Blanks: [5]
i) The _____________ features allows creating special text effects.
ii) _______________ tool is used to draw a circle.
iii) __________ and ____________ are the types of style.
iv) The table button is present on the ___________ Tab.
v) ____________ key is used to move the cursor in the adjoining cell.
2. Tick the correct Option: [5]
i) Shadow effects button is present on the ________Tab.
(a) Format (b) Insert (c) View (d) ClipArt
ii) ________ is signs or special characters available on the keyboard.
(a) ClipArt (b) Symbols (c) Textbox (d) Pictures
iii) Lines, Basic shapes, block arrow are the option of ______buttons.
(a) Textbox (b) word Art (c) Mailing (d) Shapes
iv) ___________ consists of mailing list.
(a) Record (b) Fields (c) Data source (d) Record
v) Pressing the ________ key updates the total sum in a table.
(a) F1 (b) F2 (c) F9 (d) F12
3. Write whether True/False: [2]
i) You can copy symbols only once.
ii) Text cannot be formatted within the textbox.
iii) You cannot place text in Shapes.
iv) Cells cannot be merged in a table.
4. Match the following words: [2]
i) H2O (a) strike through
ii) 12TH (b) uppercase
iii) RS-999 (c) subscript
iv) NKIS (d) superscript
5. Answer the following (Any three-03): [6]
i) What are symbols?
ii) What do you understand by styles?
iii) What is the use of Word Art features?
iv) What is Mail Merge?
Unit Test II-Examination–2022-23
Time: 60 Min. Subject - Computer M.M. 20
Attempt all the questions.
1. Fill in the Blanks: [5]
i) In Ms-word, mailing list is also known as _____________.
ii) The world’s first graphical writing program was ________.
iii) The ______________ are the final e-mail messages sent to the recipients.
iv) Worksheet is a __________ of cells made up of horizontal rows and vertical columns.
v) The _______ box displays the location of the currently active cell.
2. Tick the correct Option: [5]
i) Thesaurus option is used to find ______ of the word.
(a) Antonyms (b) synonyms (c) verb (d) adverbs
ii) To insert readymade equation, you need to select.
(a) Symbols (b) Textbox (c) Equations (d) Shapes
iii) By default, the text data is _____ aligned in a cell.
(a) Right (b) Left (c) Center (d) Justify
iv) In a worksheet there are __________Rows.
(a) 104850 (b) 1048576 (c) 1048570 (d) 1048450
v) We can enter ______ type of data in a worksheet.
(a) Two (b) three (c) four (d) five
3. Answer in one word: [2]
i) Which tab contains for mail Merge?
ii) What do we use to link a document with another document?
iii) Which control is used to magnify a worksheet?
iv) How many columns are present in an Excel worksheet?
4. Write whether True/False: [2]
i) We cannot create a new data source list.
ii) Hyperlink option is available in links group.
iii) By default numbers are left aligned in a cell.
iv) Each file made in Excel has the extension .xlsx.
5. Short answer the following (Any two-02): [2]
i) What is Hyperlinks?
ii) What is the use of Thesaurus features?
iii) What is the use of excel software?
6. Answer the following (Any two-02): [4]
i) How do you insert the Equations in MS-Word?
ii) What is mail Merge? What are the three main steps of mail merge process?
iii) What is a spreadsheet Program?
Unit Test II-Examination–2022-23
Time: 60 Min. Subject - Computer M.M. 20
Attempt all the questions.
1. Fill in the Blanks: [5]
i) A formula in Excel is incomplete without the _______ sign.
ii) The normal way of addressing cells is the ________ referencing.
iii) The decision making function in MS-Excel is the _______ function.
iv) A collection of interrelated data is called ____________.
v) A row in database refers to a _____________.
2. Tick the correct Option: [5]
i) Which function is used to return the number of characters in a string?
(a) Length () (b) Count () (c) Len () (d) Sort ()
ii) Which option is used to arrange the data in a sequence?
(a) Filter (b) Sort (c) Arrange (d) Count
iii) Which type of referencing is used in the cell address A$3?
(a) Absolute (b) mixed (c) relative (d) Reference
iv) Which chart is ideal when you want to compare items from a single category?
(a) Area chart (b) column chart (c) Bar chart (d) Pie Chart
v) In a worksheet there are __________Rows.
(a) 104850 (b) 1048576 (c) 1048570 (d) 1048450
3. Write down the syntax of the following function: [2]
i) To return the average ______________________
ii) To convert text is uppercase ________________
iii) To display the current date _________________
iv) To find the square root of the number _________
4. Write whether True/False: [2]
i) Charts can be inserted from the home tab.
ii) We can filter data to arrange it in a sequence.
iii) Average () is a statistical type of function.
iv) A database may consist of multiple tables.
5. Short answer the following (Any two-02): [2]
i) What is the difference of column and Bar chart in Excel Program?
ii) What is the use of filter features in MS-Excel?
iii) What is Database?
6. Answer the following (Any two-02): [4]
i) Describe the three types of cell referencing.
ii) Describe any three types of charts used in MS-Excel.
iii) What are the advantages of Database?
Unit Test II-Examination–2022-23
Time: 60 Min. Subject - Computer M.M. 20
Attempt all the questions.
1. Fill in the Blanks: [5]
i) In HTML we use __________ attribute to define the source of an image.
ii) ___________ Attribute of <img> Tag display the alternate text.
iii) _________ is used to display power in expression (A+B)2 .
iv) A ______ statement allows us to execute a statement or group of statements multiple times.
v) _________ function is used to convert input in to floating point numbers.
2. Tick the correct Option: [5]
i) Which of the following is not an example of a browser?
(a) Internet explorer (b) Mozilla (c) Google (d) Microsoft zing
ii) Pick the odd one out.
(a) Table (b) Form (c) TD (d) TR
iii) What Tag is used to display a pictures in a web page?
(a) Img (b) Src (c) Alt (d) URL
iv) What is the correct file extension for python files?
(a) .pyth (b) .pyt (c) .py (d) .pvc
v) Which operator cannot be used to compare two values?
(a) <> (b) = = (c) <= (d) >=
3. Answer in one word: [2]
i) Which attribute of marquee tag is used to change the type of scrolling?
ii) Which tag is used to align text or image in the center?
iii) Which character is used to indicate the closing tag in HTML?
iv) What is the extension of an HTML file?
4. Write whether True/False: [2]
i) <td> is used to store table records.
ii) A group of frames is called a frameset.
iii) To add a caption to a table you use the caption attributes in the opening table tag.
iv) Syntax of range () function is : (step, stop, start)
5. Short answer the following (Any two-02): [2]
i) What is Marquee Tag?
ii) How do you set a border in a table?
iii) How is python an interpreter Language?
6. Answer the following (Any two-02): [4]
i) Describe different types of hyperlinks, with their syntax.
ii) What are tables in HTML? Define its structures.
iii) Describe different types of decision making statements available in Python.